Tag: daddy issues

  • The Daddy Recovery Sessions:EP8 Telenovela Villain 

    One of the reasons, I find my father so evil is that, from a very young age, he wanted me to be convinced I was. He was relentlessly giving me character flaws I did not have and, in perspective, were pretty bold. He was a bigamist, who told me by age 4, I did nothing…

  • Daddy Recovery Sessions EP7: The Knock Knock Basis

    Mavii is one of my fun friends whom equally, emotionally crashes from being the brightest bulb to feel, secretly, dim. We either GO OUT or fucking extinguish. It is the burden of being deemed the ¨fun ones¨ of a group: it is rare someone sees that, perhaps, you are functionally sad. We roll through life…

  • The Daddy Recovery Sessions: EP11- Tupac

    I have always loved Tupac because, between our upbringings and our Gemini placements, we share a lot in common. I would watch him with pain and wonder because I understood what it is to be the biggest star dimmed by your surroundings and the people that claimed to love you just to betray you. It…

  • Daddy Recovery Session: EP5- The Charm of Cancel Culture 

    Part of why I feared doing Daddy Recovery was that all my life my dad was defined by his almost god-like charisma, and I never felt charming enough to make my truth valuable or even believable by others. I was always so raw, sweet, and honest, but even with 3 more virtues than my dad…

  • Daddy Recovery EP3: Mint Is The Flavor of The Poor

    When I was a child, I hated the flavor mint. Apparently, it is a rite of passage for children to genuinely believe mint tastes like toothpaste. In truth, it is a very adult flavor: often, appreciated as life chips away at the freshness of circumstances, which makes you look for it in an ice cream…

  • A Year Of Not Trying … To Be Like The Breather 

    There we were high, in a random house, because Josie believes the world is her friend. With another person, I would, immediately, say that jumping from one strangers house to another while more baked than a cheesecake is not a good plan. In fact, it is the beginning of Netflix Doc, where everyone is being…

  • Daddy Recovery Sessions EP4: Waymond

    If you met my father, you would say he was ¨nice.´ People, who knew him lightly, received him as a man who was generous with his energy and words. Yet, how long do you really talk to the new person you meet at a party? It was a trait I admired, but felt frustrated by…


    All my life humor and music have been coping mechanisms. It is why I started Diandra Reviews It All, and now I start my own journey as a singer and writer with MY STORY in the forefront. For me, a song and joke were the equivalent to a bulletproof vest and a dagger against my…

  • The Daddy Recovery Sessions: EP2- The Manifesting Con

    My father was a bigamist, narcissist (like an actual one!), drug addict, con man, and, in the years to come, I would realize a hood-rat loser.  That being said he was very educated, smart, and handsome, which meant he knew how to cover up all those things until he did not. Moreover, he was just…